Saturday, 25 June 2016

Buen Camino 8: not everyone walks

It's interesting walking across the countryside and watching the plane vapour trails in the sky. NZ is a destination not a flyover so we never really see the trails. It is also fun to think where the passengers' journey is taking them. Also, those heading west will be over Santiago in minutes, the cars on the road in hours and the pilgrims still have many days ahead.
The variety of ways pilgrims make their journeys is quite varied. The whoosh of bike tyres coming up behind reminds of the stream of mountain bikes on the Camino. Also seen a tandem mountain bike and a unicycle. Most interesting has been a donkey cart with two women in it - heading in the opposite direction. Also a horse (and rider) from Italy.
 The size of backpacks varies a lot - from 30 litre daypacks to 100 litre monsters. Some travel each day lightly as they ship their bag to their next stop. Have seen people towing shopping trolley-style devices, as well as other ways to move your bag.
I wasn't quick enough to catch all but here is a sample of photos.

 Donkey cart at rest.

This Korean lady always smiling. 

 Uni-cycle parked and up the hill.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Paul, glad your back on the road and that those pesky blisters are healing!? Love your photos! Xo
