Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Buen Camino 2

June 8. The variation of pathways is very hard on feet despite a lot of training at home. Surfaces include sealed roadway, sharp rock pathway, smooth stone pathway, concreted sections (especially hard on downhills). Now in dirt/stone pathway area (in Lograno tonight).
A couple of small blisters and sore shoulder but good news is knee is better.
Temperature is touching low 30s and have 28 km day tomorrow, so will be in heat despite 6.00 start.


  1. Way to go Paul. Great to see the photos too! Hoping that you manage to stay comfortable and injury free. Liaine x

  2. Damn those pesky blisters... not that you're gonna let that break your stride...

  3. Damn those pesky blisters... not that you're gonna let that break your stride...

  4. Hope the blisters heal . You are making good progress . We are surprised to see so many other trampers in the photos . V&B

  5. Great photos!
