Sunday, 5 June 2016

Buen Camino 1.St Jean to Romcesvalles.

Day 1 is completed - St Jean Pied de Port to Roncesvalles. Anyone who says it is an easy day must have caught a taxi! On the road at 6.15 and finished at 1.30. Misty / light rain the whole way until descending into Roncesvalles.
First 500m out of town very steep and hard because not warmed up. Last 3.5 km into Orisson (8 km mark) veeery steeeep. Last 3.0 km into Ron. is steep downhill - tough on knees and calves. Cafe latte and cheese sandwich 6 Euro at Orisson and hot chocolate 2 Euro at coffee truck along track.
Not a lot of scenery pictures due to mist today. Will need to come back again for a clear day!
                  St Jean - starting point.

Paul with credential. 

Journey to Rancesvalles.

Tree at Orisson.
I came second walking up the hill.


  1. Ahh but you're still smiling ... shame it was misty ... a dampening mood.

  2. Ahh but you're still smiling ... shame it was misty ... a dampening mood.

  3. Oh sounds like that first day would have put me off. Well done Paul. We have some friends about to leave next week to follow you. Better tell them a few more trips up Te Mata Peak.No sign of rain here just frosts.

    1. Training up Te Mata is essential for first day! !!

  4. Looks beautiful even with the mist. A hard start by the sound of it, hopefully getting easier by now Bruce & Viv

  5. Love it Paul, keep the blogs coming xo

  6. Hi Paul! Great to see your on your way - seeing the historic and beautiful sights - and meeting your fellow pilgrims! May the roads rise to meet you, and the wind be always at your back!
