Thursday, 1 June 2017

Bueno Camino 2017/1: a million steps!

To paraphrase Lao Tzu: 'A journey of a million steps begins with a single step'.
A million steps?! 800 km = 800 000 m = about a million steps  (up or down the hills each step is nowhere near a metre long).
To get to the start of the Camino there is always a journey. Train from Lille to Paris, Paris to Bordeux  (1 hour late so missed connection), Bordeux to Bayonne 2 hours late. Arrived at Hotel Arcaux about 11pm (just across the river from train station).

Train to St Jean Pied de Porte next morning, collect compostela and find place to stay as it is raining so not starting until tomorrow. 

I am planning to go slowly in an attempt to avoid blisters this time. So, first day is only 12 km from St Jean Pied de Porte to Valcarlos. This is along the 'low' way (not the Napoleon route that goes up into the hills). The route to Valcarlos follows the main road and meanders to either side of it. It is less strenuous to stay walking on the main road but this has the complications associated with cars and trucks very near you!

There are certain constants on the Camino that provide a sense of security. The way is marked by arrows and little stone markers - so usually hard to lose the way.. It is also nice to see 'shadow' back once the sun is out.


  1. Hi Paul, great to see you walking the Camino again. The memories are flooding back and how wide you are to be taking it slow and hopefully avoid the dreaded blistering. Looking forward to following your journey and reliving mine through it.Good luck mate. Alan

  2. Looking good Paul ,steady as she goes and give those feet a good rub at least twice a day mate.

  3. Obviously how wide you are should read how wise you are!!!
