Thursday, 8 June 2017

Buen Camino 2017/3: Steady progress.

Time really does slip by and I had not realised the last post was a while ago. I will do my best to blog every couple of days.
I am managing to stay with my promise of not walking too far or too fast each day. The distances each day have been a mix of 18km, 22km, 24.9km, 15km. I am following the routine of Vaseline at the start of the day and stopping every 1 1/2-2 hours to air my feet and re-Vaseline.

The sticks are like an extra pair of legs - good for driving on the uphill but even better for support going downhill. Some of the downhill sections can be a bit knarley at times so the sticks save the knees and ankles.
The alburgue are quite mixed in quality but most have been o.k..  The main problem is the snoring in the dorms though. Currently, two of the three bunks around me are giving a championship performance. I will put the earplugs in when I have finished.
 ( next day). The place I had reserved was actually 31 km walk- my mistake in calculating distance,  so am in a municipal alburgue after 26.6km today.  It is great though because it is  purpose built with 30 2-bed rooms.As long as my Italian room-mate does not snore I should be able to get a good night's sleep.

The price of a bunk bed has been around €10-12 - I have paid an extra  €2 a couple of times to be in a 4-bed room - less chance of a snorer!
Earlier on there was not a lot of pressure for beds but the last couple of days it has tightened up. With the increase of social media a lot more people are booking ahead-  It guarantees a place until 4.00 pm so the walking can be a bit more leisurely and less stressful wondering if you can get a bed. 


  1. Paul i hope your feet remain free from blisters as I found that the biggest challenge. I'm sure the bed situation will get more pressurised the further you go so booking ahead is definitely the way forward. Keep the blogs coming and let's know what towns or villages you're stopping at.

    1. Hi Alan. So far feet are ok. A couple of small blisters on second toes but not stopping me at this stage.

  2. I am enjoying your blogs, Paul. Doing the walk vicariously with you, as I'll never do it in reality!
